Meet the Team
Faces Behind the Mission

About Journey Together
Sahayatra is a not-for-profit, non-political social organization founded in 2021 by a group of social justice seekers and human rights activists working in Canada to promote and establish human rights and social justice globally, with a special focus on a case example, Nepal, where nearly 4 million people of the so-called Dalit community comprise 13.6% of the country’s population. Dalits have been forced to live an undignified life for many centuries because of their so-called untouchable and lower caste status under the traditional caste system in Nepal. Over 250 million people worldwide still face appalling and dehumanizing discrimination based on caste and a similar system of inherited status. The vast majority of people affected by caste discrimination are living in South Asia, and Nepal has the worst form of caste-based.
Vision: Building a prosperous global society free from discriminationMission: To work continuously to abolish caste-based discrimination and untouchability in society by making the state responsible and accountable for establishing equal social, economic, and political rights of the Dalit community with the support of all concerned stakeholders and social justice activists globally.
1. To act as a bridge to internationalize the issues of descent-based oppression including issues of Nepal and Dalit communities across the world.
2. To advocate at the international level for the implementation of international human rights laws and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals in favor of Dalits.
3. To create international support from social activists and well-wishers to contribute to issues of social justice and the human rights of the Dalits.
4. To provide long-term support for the upliftment of Dalit communities by establishing International Social Justice Fund
5. To promote and expand handicraft products produced by Dalits and other artisan groups at international fair markets.
6. To lobby with the various Governments (local, provincial, and federal) in Canada and concerned stakeholders for the upliftment of Dalits
7. To conduct media advocacy for the implementation of international human rights laws and sustainable development goals in favor of Dalits
8. To organize events for promoting the cultural heritage of Dalit communities.
3. Core Values Human Rights
 Equity, Non-discrimination and Social Justice
 Co-existence and Mutual Respect
 Secularism and Pluralism
 Governance, Transparency and Accountability
 Together for change​​