Sahayatra Discourse 2
22-01-02, 2:00 p.m.
Sahaytara International organized a Virtual interaction Program on the role of Canadian Non Resident Nepali (N.R.N) in Nepal Social Prosperity.

Sahaytara International organised a Virtual interaction Program on the role of Canadian Non Resident Nepali (N.R.N) in Nepal Social Prosperity. The theme of the program was to "To Contribute to Building an Equitable
Society by ending Caste based discrimination and Untouchablity in Nepal". This Discourse was Live telecasted in Mt. Everest Television.
The Guest Speaker were H.E. MR Bhrigu Dhungana, Ambassador, Embassy of Nepal Canada, Dr. Drona Rasali, Diector, Population Health Survellience & Epidomology, British Columbia, canada and others.
The meeting was chaired by Mr Santosh Bishwakarma of Sahayatra International canada, and
Moderated by Dr. Purna Kandel from Mt. Everest Television